St. Edmund's School, Jawahar Nagar organized a fancy dress competition for the students of Pre Primary section. It was a delight to see the little ones dressed up in different characters as per the Disney World theme. The tiny tots were dressed as Mickey, Minnie, Spider-Man, Aladdin and Jasmine and looked adorable in their fancy attires. It was a proud moment to see the little kids speaking with such confidence and encouraged the students to think Out of the box. Many schools including Golden future, Sacred Heart, Toddler’s Hub, Rise & Run & many more participated.
The event was presided over by Ex Alumnus Ms Chesta Mathuria who recently represented Rajasthan at Miss India Earth 2022 and the guest of honour was graced by Dr Dolly Setia Founder & director of French tweets Pvt ltd & guest lecturer at ELLCS Dept UOR.
The stage became lightened up when students of different schools staged noticeable depicting roles of Disney characters in the competition. The graceful enacts of kindergarten gave a mesmerizing impact on the audience and left everyone spellbound. Attractive costumes and fascinating props made it difficult for judges to declare the winner. Rajveer Motwani (as Gennie) from Rise & Run bagged the first prize and Kashvi Mittal (as Anna)from St Edmund’s Jawahar Nagar bagged the second prize while Trinab Meena (as spiderman) from Toddler’s Hub stood third. The Academic Director Mrs Meena Singh & Associate Joint Director Mrs Mansi Singh said these events gave the students a good platform to build their confidence.