III Annual Colloque French Workshop

St Edmund’s School, Jawahar Nagar Jaipur hosted the III Annual Colloque International French workshop 2018. The occasion was graced by the honourable guests Mr Romain Camus (Institut Francais, French Embassy), Dr Nidhi Raisinghania (ELLS Dept UOR), Mrs Gaidik Gortina (Institution Saint-Louis, France) along with the professors of Rajasthan University and teachers from different schools in Jaipur.
The program commenced by welcoming the guests. The event included a song performance by students from St Edmund’s School which was appreciated and well received by everyone in attendance.
Hereafter, the workshop was taken over by Mrs Coontz who gave insights into the teaching methodologies of the French language with special emphasis on its pronunciation techniques. The session was followed by an open discussion on noteworthy approaches to incorporate in teaching.
Each participant took part in the activity with great zeal and enthusiasm.
The programme was well organized and highly inspiring. After the programme participation certificates were given to the participants as well as the delegates. Lastly, a vote of thanks was given by the French department on behalf of the school and its team.